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Dr. Royce Fitts, author of he Geography of the Soul Dreams, Reality and the Journey of a Lifetime.

Dr. Royce Fitts

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, 

Ordained & Certified Dream Work Minister & Facilitator,

Author, Speaker

The Geography of the Soul: Dreams, Reality and the Journey of a Lifetime blends memoir, political and social consciousness, and spiritual wisdom and takes you to a hidden gem in the midst of the English countryside: the Ridgeway National Trail.

The author, Royce Fitts, is a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified dream worker, with a doctorate in ministry. His book explores relationships between physical and spiritual landscapes, personal and collective histories, and night-time dreams and how they weave together to reveal and heal the wounds of our lifetime. 

Dr. Fitts currently serves on assignment as a Military and Family Life Counselor for active U.S. military members and families. Royce has an online practice of open-hearted, spiritual counseling and dream work at

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Join us for the LIVE-STEAMED BOOK LAUNCH!  Geography of the Soul 

Book Celebration!

Oct. 25, 2023 8 p.m. Central

 Surprise guests! Contests with gifts! Q&A! But most importantly, we will celebrate this beautiful, wise, vibe-lifting memoir by Dr. Royce Fitts.

Geography of the Soul By Dr Royce Fitts front cover.jpg

“An extraordinary read! Geography of the Soul is arduous and gentle, challenging and provocative, as Dr. Fitts takes the reader on a true pilgrimage across the Ridgeway Trail in England, 100 miles on foot. I predict, just like Cheryl Strayed’s Wild sent record numbers of people out of their comfort zones to walk the Pacific Crest Trail, people will soon be out in droves to the Ridgeway Trail to walk in Royce’s adventurous footsteps. As a woman, I wondered if I’d be able to relate to Royce’s story. I’m surprised and delighted to report that I not only related but felt he was peering into my soul as he was revealing his. Geography of the Soul turns out to be a book for anyone with a soul and a dream, and the willingness to find magic in unexpected places.

Kelly Sullivan Walden,

Dream Expert, Media Personality, & International Bestselling Author of

A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing to Waste

“Run! Don’t walk to get your copy!! In this compelling memoir, Dr. Royce Fitts has crafted a literary masterpiece that will resonate with readers across the globe. The book’s ability to simultaneously touch our hearts, stimulate our minds, and nourish our souls is a testament to the author’s endearing spirit and profound understanding of the human condition. It is a transformative journey of healing, revelation, and self-discovery that will remain etched in my heart for a lifetime. I cannot recommend this book enough; it is truly a gift to the literary world and anyone seeking inspiration and enlightenment.

Viviana Guzmán

GRAMMY Nominated album artist,

TEDx speaker, internationally performing flutist,

faculty member, University of California, Santa Cruz

“Royce takes you on a non-linear journey into the inner and outer landscapes of his life. His stravage, as he describes it—'…engaging in a defiant walk, a decision to stray without limits…'—invites you to see beyond your conceived notions and beliefs and stretch into limitlessness, flow, and mystery—a journey that many of us are afraid to take. Royce guides you in ways you may have never encountered before, sharing waking and sleeping dreams, and ultimately, if you are willing, helping you find your authentic truth.”

Dr. Patti Ashley, psychotherapist, TEDx speaker,

author of Shame-Informed Therapy:

Treatment Strategies to Overcome Shame and Reconstruct the Authentic Self

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